Useless Facts, Badly Drawn #408: Ice.
#ice #phasesofice #chemistry @teamicewave #rap #battlebots #icecube #icet #science #webcomics #comics #uselessfacts #uselessfactsbadlydrawn
Taking my antweight robot for a test spin! There's plenty to fix with the wiring and controls, but it sure is fun to hit stuff.
#robots #combatrobots #battlebots
What I want to see now is a bunch of AI versions of other founding figures of various faiths, and get them to argue it out to see if one of them wins. Religious #battlebots
Or maybe that's what we already have now. Although tbh those inter-faith dialogue groups mostly work out ok
If you're interested in robot combat, there's a huge event going on in Pennsylvania this weekend! The broadcast won't be as polished as #Battlebots or #nhrl, but the fighting will be very good. You can check out most of the fights here.
Robots Are Fighting Robots in Russia's War in Ukraine - Aerial drones have changed the war in Ukraine. Now, both Russia's and Ukraine's militarie... - #security/nationalsecurity #security/securitynews #battlebots #security
It's robot fighting time.. whoooooo. Man I love agressieve fighting robots. Using technology engineering and design to have fun. #battleBots
Wired: A New Trick Uses AI to Jailbreak AI Models—Including GPT-4 #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Business/ArtificialIntelligence #Security/CyberattacksandHacks #artificialintelligence #BattleBots #Security #phishing #ChatGPT #OpenAI #hacks
A New Trick Uses AI to Jailbreak AI Models—Including GPT-4 - Adversarial algorithms can systematically probe large language models like OpenAI’s GPT-4... - #business/artificialintelligence #security/cyberattacksandhacks #battlebots #security
Is that #BattleBots but rated #FSK-6 Edition?
More kids attending the catbot class these days in addition to adults. The soldering can be a little difficult for them, but they really enjoy the final stages of the process.
The faces of kids and grownups alike light up when they realize they're about to have a fully functioning rc bot they built themselves. It's very rewarding!
Just When You Think Everything In Robotic Combat Has Been Tried Before… - Since the first combat robots emerged around three decades ago, it seems as though... - #roboticcombat #robotshacks #tacotuesday #battlebots #robotwars #robot
Any love for #BattleBots on Masto? Here is a glamor shot of my three pound robot "Snaggletooth", a wedge with a lifting arm made to look like a crocodile. All robots must have a power indication light for safety reasons so on this robot Snaggletooth's eyes light up red. Snaggletooth has one title to its name, a win in Beaumont, TX in 2020 where it claimed first place!
Snaggletooth was a big hit with the audience who loved the colorful theming. There was a kiddo in the crowd who was celebrating his birthday that day so I affixed one of Snaggletooth's battle damaged decorative teeth to a little metal plaque and signed it for him. :)
Guess I haven't done a real #introduction yet. Hi all!
I'm Leah, and I've substituted gay pirate obsession for having a personality. Besides the #ofmd fandom and all the lovely people in it, I greatly enjoy #battlebots, #kaiju movies, #scifi, #parrots, #corvids, #cats, and #karaoke. I'm a big ol' #reprohealth and #reprorights nerd too.
So. Yeah. Long live this little old-school home that makes the internet feel kinda fun again. Can we bring back GOOD search engines while we're at it?
Warum gibt es keine #BattleBots / #CombatRobotics Events in #Berlin? Es ist schon ein bisschen traurig,
Ich schaue jetzt mal #BattleBots respektive halt Kampfroboter, die nicht zum offiziellen BattleBots Franchise gehören.
@gilhova hatte dieses Match vor ein paar Tagen erwähnt: ( Day 2 of National Havoc Robot League's 4th Event of 2023)
Heilige Polarisrakete, Batman! Die Kämpfe haben noch nicht mal begonnen und ich habe so viel Spaß!
Es sind auch große Namen dabei (wie #RayBillings, der Macher von #Tombstone, der hier mit einem neuen Bot namens #FakeNews auftaucht oder #JamisonGo, der bei BB mit #SawBlaze brilliert, weiß noch nicht mit welchem Bot er hier antritt) und scheinbar Teilnehmende aller Altersschichten.
@gilhova Oh my goth, thank you so much, Gil!
I did not know one could stream amazing events like this one!
I'm only 2min or so in the video and already so in love with some details and Ricky Willems' shirt with some battle bot print on it! (Correction: not a bot but the trash sorting harbor cleaning robot thingy, I think.)
(And of course the rainbow heart pin, I mean the big official #battlebots seems to shy away from queer content as much as they can manage.)
It seems I am missing out on a lot of cool bot battles by hardly every browsing youtube.