A sweet little owl for Friday, have a good one!
Available here..https://tina-lecour.pixels.com/featured/sweet-little-owl-tina-lecour.html
A sweet little owl for Friday, have a good one!
Available here..https://tina-lecour.pixels.com/featured/sweet-little-owl-tina-lecour.html
I took my iced coffee to the park yesterday, and this fellow came over from the pond to see if I had any treats. I don’t feed the birds (local authorities discourage it because bread etc isn’t good for them) but we had a nice little chat.
I find it fascinating that birds just come with engineering instructions. Currently watching sunbirds build a nest at my balcony and I always wonder how they know how to do what they do
86 扶老奶奶闯红灯发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! s9Qw5NKxwz87BWG
Good morning everyone Chilly here again today at 0 degrees C and I'm feeling the difference, despite being tucked up in the warm living room with the parrots, who are all busy munching breakfast, with the occasional "Wow!" from Toby as he goes back and forth between his food and banging the hell out of the bell on one of his toys
Ziggy is making little happy noises as she finds what she likes in her mix and Jadie is doing the usual of throwing half her bowl out as she tries to find the seeds. I've been reducing her daily seed ration gradually over time so she has to dig around a lot more than before. I'm still trying to get her to eat more fresh foods, but she's adept at ignoring any veggies, except sweet potatoes..all served on her flat perch of course as she refuses to eat fresh food out of a bowl
Work today. Meeting hellscape
Have a lovely day, whatever you get up to
A fluffy Peregrine Falcon on a church in #Bath #Somerset #UK today.
#Bird #Birds #Birdwatching #Birding #UKBirding #Ornithology #Nature #Wildlife #UKWildlife #BirdsOfFediverse #BirdsOfMastodon #NatureCommunity
A pretty ruby throated hummingbird to kick off daylight savings, happy Sunday!
Available here...https://tina-lecour.pixels.com/featured/hummingbird-in-the-crocus-tina-lecour.html
A sweet farmily of Barn Owls from my bird collection, happy Saturday!
Available here..https://tina-lecour.pixels.com/featured/owls-in-the-wisteria-tina-lecour.html
Robins and wisteria are alwasy a sure sign of spring, happy Saturday!
Available here..https://tina-lecour.pixels.com/featured/robins-in-the-wisteria-tina-lecour.html
Some pretty bluebirds from my spring collection, happy Friday!
Available here..https://tina-lecour.pixels.com/featured/bluebirds-in-the-wisteria-tina-lecour.html
Ich glaub, die Kohlmeise wollte was zu fressen. Am ersten Bild schaut sie neugierg auf den Tisch unterhalb - an dem ich gerade meine Jause verspeist hatte. Auf dem Zweiten ruft sie und am dritten schaut sie mich an.
Die war auch nicht sonderlich scheu...
I think the great tit wanted something to eat.
In the first picture, it looks curiously at the table below, where I have just eaten my snack. In the second, it is calling; in the third, it is looking at me.
It wasn't particularly shy either...
A sweet owl to brighten your day, happy Thursday!
Available here...https://tina-lecour.pixels.com/featured/wisteria-owl-2-tina-lecour.html
A sweet barn owl to make you smile today, happy Wednesday!
Available here..https://tina-lecour.pixels.com/featured/wisteria-owl-tina-lecour.html
Aufgeplusterter Zaunkönig ... so flauschig
Puffed-up Wren .. so fluffy
peekaboo at the dark side of the tree
#Birds #Featherverse #BirdsOfFediverse #BirdsOfMastodon
Aujourd'hui, le suite de ce projet FALC ! Avec un couple de Foulques Macroule en pleine construction de nid...
Et en deuxième slide, une version plus personnelle du projet ..
Toutes mes illustrations disponibles sont à retrouver par ici :
#ornithologie #FoulqueMacroule #oiseaux #birds #bird #oiseau #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birdphotography #BirdsOfFediverse #MastoArt #artist #nature #naturephotography #WildlifeConservation #animals #animalrights #animalphotography #birdfacts #biodiversite
Good morning Fellow Travellers on the Galactic Spiral Arm . I'm up early with the parrots today as it's Grant's birthday and he gets to have a long lie after all the excitement at World of Wings yesterday
I had a very brief , all of five minutes, cuddle with Ziggy this morning and then she was obviously too hungry to bother so demanded to go in for breakfast. I get that. I'm quite peckish too this morning truth be told
Grant had a fabulous time yesterday as you can see by the photo of him with his new pal Zulu, the Bateleur Eagle. In addition to giving a large eagle head scritches, he got to handle a tawny owl, a peregrine falcon and a red tailed buzzard and also fly a barn owl called Ghost. He was in his element
I'll be announcing the winner of the #CazimodoCrochet competition later today, so keep an eye out for that. Lots of coffee first though
Have a lovely day, whatever you get up to