It's the time of year where I #CrowdSource #ChristmasPresent ideas. The first challenge:
We have a #NintendoSwitch - what games are good for 10 & 12 year olds (either to play alone, together or as family)?
They (we) like Mario kart/party, Zelda, Dance.
Would like something with puzzles but not too hard this year plus something active. Any suggestions?
@Ruth_Mottram I will always advocate for #ARMS (with motion controls!) on #NintendoSwitch.
Perhaps some #metroidvania games would be a good choice as a mix of action and puzzles?
I find the #Darksiders series as a great Zelda-like with more macabre, teenage-angsty tones and over the top.
Just remembered another #Zelda-like: the #Oceanhorn series seems really good too.