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Owlet of Minerva

Just realized that I have used longer than any other client – got a ten-year anniversary coming up in the holidays – and remain very comfortable with it.

@pmidden Under the hood: fetchmail, procmail, and some copy-pasta config scripts: works for me, but likely insecure. In .emacs, I have hooks to base the From address in replies on the To address and automatically bcc myself, plus some settings for lazy indexing, attachment directory, changing the time format and a few bookmarks. For Org integration, I have org-mu4e-link-query-in-headers-mode set to t, and a custom function to make more verbose link descriptions. That's all.

@pmidden Oh, and some alternative html rendering code I had forgotten I had put there and that I should probably get rid of and see what mu4e has learned to do in the past decade. :-)

If any of the above is specifically interesting, I can share what I have, but it's a lazy effort since I've always been pretty content with how it works right out of the box.

@noctuaminervae 10 years is quite something. My mu4e years equal e-mh years right about now, in two years I'm at 10 mu4e years too.

@noctuaminervae I've been using gnus for a while but did not really get in the flow (my experiment with mu4e was even shorter). At that time I started using conkeror browser which was pretty ok with the old gmail web client. Now I'm on thunderbird, mostly because of gmail again, but I did not find a good alternative to thunderbird yet.

If we'll have meetup I'll be very interested your email client config.

@len I should probably clean it up and update it then. :-)

I barely use gmail, and not for smtp, so if it’s your main or sole mail provider, I don’t know how well it plays with this kind of solution. (Wotks fine for me with a 2FA workaround in fetchmail.)

I was happy with Thunderbird for nearly as long as mu4e, but it was heavy, they did some changes that put me off, and I started wanting everything in emacs. Before settling on mu4e I looked at Gnus (too intimidating) and Mutt.