So I got a Raspberry Pi 4 for Christmas and I think I’m going to use it to go #SelfHosted with certain services and educate myself on #DigitalSovereignty. Do any mastonauts have resource recommendations for me? Complete linux/networking noob here.
He recibido un #RaspberryPi 4 por navidad y estoy pensando en usarlo para aprender sobre #AutoHospedaje y #SoberaníaDigital. ¿Algún mastonauta con recomendaciones de recursos con los que aprender? Novato absoluto en linux y redes informáticas.
@Joe, to put my suggestion into perspective:
I have been #SelfHosting for almost two decades, but while I did dabble with many tweaks (often failed), I still consider myself a noob on many aspects.
In the past I ran #ClarkConnect, #Armbian/#Debian and #Gentoo on both #x86 and #ARM.
I am currently setting up #YunoHost on an #AMD64 and I am in awe how simple everyting is.
Some (old) musings (I need to write a 6th incarnation post):
@Joe, what I love about #YunoHost is that it’s not just a one-click install for web apps like #Nextcloud etc., but everything else:
• setting up SSL is literally just one click and *poof* you’ve got #LetsEncrypt set up
• (sub)domains are equally simple to handle
• for #DNS it diagnoses what’s wrong and offers copy-paste entries (for some registrars even a single-click import)
• #email? automatic
The only thing I had to get my hands dirty with was setting #NAT on the router.