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Germany has been controlling (some of) its border crossings for 2 months now, and has managed to find 49 people in that time on the border from Luxembourg

That’s FEWER THAN 1 A DAY! For ridiculous cost employing police to do these controls! 🤯

Regardless of what you think of the ethics here this is an insane waste of money

infos.rtl.luContrôles à la frontière: La police allemande ne laisse pas passer 49 personnesLe Luxembourg continue de s'opposer au contrôle des frontières avec l'Allemagne. C'est ce qu'a déclaré lundi le ministre des Affaires Intérieures, Léon Gloden, au sein de la commission parlementaire.

@pengovsky @Nicovel0 Sure, but how much money do you want to waste to make your crap message?


It’s public money, so who cares?
It’s not like it was from the same budget you need to use to support “innovative transport systems” (air taxis).

@pengovsky @Nicovel0

@jon @Nicovel0 A quote from Jurrasic Park comes to mind: "We spared no expense." Predictably, results will be similar. It's all quite sad.

@jon @pengovsky looking at airport security I’d say no one cares as long as the feels are right