I miss the times when #Google seemed kinda cool. There are many things in the web today that seem cool, but how will they end up? This is day 38 of #100DaysToOffload

I miss the times when #Google seemed kinda cool. There are many things in the web today that seem cool, but how will they end up? This is day 38 of #100DaysToOffload
Google Being Forced to Sell Chrome Is Not Good for the Web
Link: https://chriscoyier.net/2025/03/14/google-being-forced-to-sell-chrome-is-not-good-for-the-web/
Discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43369230
Google Is Officially Replacing Assistant With Gemini - Google announced today that Gemini will replace Google Assistant on Android phones... - https://tech.slashdot.org/story/25/03/14/2121205/google-is-officially-replacing-assistant-with-gemini?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed #google
OpenAI and Google ask for a government exemption to train their AI models on copyrighted material
End-to-end encrypted #RCS messaging on #iPhone coming in future software update
OpenAI macht KI zur "Frage nationaler Sicherheit" und fordert US-Dominanz
Als Reaktion auf den US AI Action Plan will OpenAI strikte Kontrollen und Urheberrechtseinschränkungen. Google plädiert hingegen für internationale Kooperation.
As I predicted, it appears that #Google is about to effectively disable the udm=14 hack used to evade AI results in search.
If #Google hasn't actually become evil, it's certainly trying to APPEAR to be evil.
"Google refuses to deny it received encryption order from UK government"
The UK’s encryption-breaking order for a backdoor into iCloud isn’t a one-off.
The secret hearing happening RIGHT NOW is bigger than just Apple. If the government wins, our right to privacy and security falls.
Other services will be hit.
Sign our petition https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/keep-our-apple-data-encrypted
I really like the backup function in #GrapheneOS based on #Seedvault. I know it doesn't work 100%, some apps don't support it etc. But in my case >90% of apps get backed up and restored.
This is what all Androids should have. I understand #Google doesn't want to do it because for them #Android is just a gateway to their services and when you have all your data in their cloud, you don't need such backups. But other Android vendors should have it.
Google ha aggiornato il suo sistema Gemini per personalizzare le risposte in base alla cronologia di ricerca degli utenti. Questa nuova funzionalità mira a migliorare l'interazione, rendendo le risposte più rilevanti e su misura per ogni singolo utente, sfruttando al meglio l'IA per un'esperienza di ricerca unica. #Google #Gemini #Personalizzazione
Had enough of big tech browser corpos like Google (Chrome) or Mozilla (Firefox) collecting your data and selling them to Advertisers?
Then it is time to uninstall them and get yourself a Norwegian browser Vivaldi with 0 external investors!
@glynmoody #Google wants a license to steal. 1 rule for thee but not for we, the investors
"Der CLOUD Act erlaubt es US-Behörden, auf alle Daten zuzugreifen, die US-Unternehmen speichern - unabhängig davon, in welchem Land die liegen."
"Statt Digitale Souveränität aktiv zu verteidigen, fördere das BSI eine Lösung, "die uns in die Arme eines ausländischen Konzerns treibt", schimpft Albertini. "Stattdessen sollte das BSI belohnt und gezielt gefördert werden, wenn es europäische und deutsche Anbieter stärkt. Doch in einem falsch verstandenen Neutralitätsanspruch agiert es lieber als Türöffner für Google, anstatt die digitale Autonomie Deutschlands und der EU voranzutreiben.""
" Die öffentliche Verwaltung müsse dazu auf europäische Anbieter setzen, Bund und Länder sollten konsequent in europäische Alternativen investieren und die Entwicklung sicherer, souveräner Cloud-Infrastrukturen vorantreiben."
Google verteilt Fix für kaputte Chromecasts
Chromecasts der zweiten Generation funktionieren seit einigen Tagen nicht mehr. Nun verteilt Google ein Update, das das Problem lösen soll.
So many reasons to move beyond #Google. Hope #Mozilla listens and develops alternative revenue sources. Partnering with privacy-focused, non-U.S. service providers (like they did with #Mullvad) would be a strong first step toward truly championing user rights.
Sign the petition https://mozillapetition.com
#DigitalPrivacy #OpenWeb