The Magnus Archives: Miami
Tonight 9:00 pm ET
The Magnus Archives: Miami
Tonight 9:00 pm ET
The Magnus Archives: Miami
Tonight 9:00 pm ET
Fandom Trumps Hate auctions are open! Bid on creators for a specific fandom. Win! Make a donation to the charity they are supporting! Give them a prompt and receive art or fiction about your favorite media!
Go direct to the auction:
Or if you write, there's also offerings to convert fics to podfics or to translate into another language! Or get a sensitivity reader!
Ah but surely my fandom is not here.... there are 1647 auctions up! Including some for "I will try anything!"
Get bidding and support some great nonprofits dedicated to LGBTQ rights, investigative journalism, human rights, disability rights, and more!
#fandom #goodomens #kpop #MagnusArchives #TheUntamed
MARTIN: "– I will give you some privacy. Go for a walk."
ARCHIVIST: "(exhale) Let me know if you see any good cows."
MARTIN: "_Obviously_ I’m going to tell you if I see any good _cows_."
That's the cutest and most adorable three lines of couple talk in this entire podcast. #MagnusArchives #tma
#MagnusArchives. Quite the podcast find. Great to squeeze in a couple of Eps for a spooky drive home after work. Addictive!
And is helping to spread out the final 64 Eps of #NoSuchThingAsAFish which has been keeping me company all through the Pandemic years!
Perhaps the 21st century equivalent of "Sssh, Grandma's gonna have a Marlboro and watch her stories" is "Sssh, Grandma's gonna crochet a phone cozy and listen to the #MagnusArchives"
Now playing:
#GodofWarRagnarok on PS5
Reading: #TheNineEyesOfLucien
Watching copious amounts of #CriticalRole, where a bunch of nerdy ass voice actors...
And listening to #MagnusArchives and #DungeonsandDaddies