Darlings, after two years of gracing you with my presence, should I continue dazzling you, take a break, or make a glorious exit? #LwaxanaTroi #Poll #AllStarTrek #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #DS9 #Mastodon @allstartrek
Darlings, after two years of gracing you with my presence, should I continue dazzling you, take a break, or make a glorious exit? #LwaxanaTroi #Poll #AllStarTrek #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #DS9 #Mastodon @allstartrek
"Dietary salad."
Is there any other kind?
(Macaroni salad and potato salad don't count)
I've been watching M*A*S*H* before Star Trek every night and I'm starting to think 90s-era Star Trek borrowed a lot from M*A*S*H*.
#AllStarTrek #MASH
#TNG Season 2 begins! Troi gets knocked up by a will o' the wisp and we meet beloved Doc Pulaski
Is that a Kiln People???!!!!
#WhatAreLittleGirlsMadeOf #StarTrekTOS #AllStarTrek @allstartrek
Someone is going to get a call from the Department of Temporal Investigations...
With 47% of the votes, the winner of the first #HangTrek poll was I. There are 3 Is.
We are looking for a quote with 7 words: 5, 9, 3, 8, 4, 7 and 5 letters. There have been no incorrect letters.
_ _ _ ' _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ / _ I _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ ' _
This first poll will run for 24 hours. Anyone can join in or make a guess at any time.
Rules of the game and previous answers can be found at: https://mastodon.social/@chrysomeles/112461799676962075
Good luck and have fun!
@MirrorAyako @allstartrek
#StarTrekTOS (8ET) The Enemy Within s01e05 October 6, 1966
#StarTrekTNG (9ET) Conspiracy s01e25 May 9, 1988
#StarTrekDS9 (10ET) Meridian s03e08 November 12, 1994
#StarTrekVOY (11ET) Think Tank s05e20 March 31, 1999
#StarTrekENT (12am) The Breach s02e21 April 23, 2003
3/10: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag #AllStarTrek. If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!
Pretty good line up tonight! Don’t know what’s a better scene: Admiral Quinn kicking Riker’s ass or Remmick’s head getting blown off.
TOS (8ET): The Enemy Within
TNG (9ET): Conspiracy
DS9 (10ET): Meridian
VOY (11 ET): Think Tank
ENT (midnight): The Breach
It's that time again for a brand new round of #HangTrek!
We are looking for a quote with 7 words: 5, 9, 3, 8, 4, 7 and 5 letters.
_ _ _ ' _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ ' _
This first poll will run for 24 hours. Anyone can join in or make a guess at any time.
Rules of the game and previous answers can be found at: https://mastodon.social/@chrysomeles/112461799676962075
Good luck and have fun!
A fan poster for the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode Civil Defense tonight on H&I All Star Trek, where the ops crew encounters the insane paranoia of Cardassian bureaucracy, hard coded into a phone tree.
Artist: J.J. Lendl at STUDIO JJ
- https://www.instagram.com/jjlendl/
Poll 4 of the current round of #HangTrek!
Those crazy Ferengi and their Rules of Acquisition are victorious. There are 2 R's.
We are looking for 2 words with 8 and 8 letters, respectively.
R E _ _ _ _ T E _ R _ _ T _ _ _
You can have a look at the rules here: https://mastodon.social/@chrysomeles/112461799676962075
Words and phrases are drawn from any and all Star Trek shows and movies.
All are welcome to vote and guess at any time. Others may appreciate a CW when you guess.
The next poll will go for 24 hours.
Poll 3 of the current round of #HangTrek!
The Eternal Supplicant has won by a landslide. There are 2 E's.
We are looking for 2 words with 8 and 8 letters, respectively.
_ E _ _ _ _ T E _ _ _ _ T _ _ _
You can have a look at the rules here: https://mastodon.social/@chrysomeles/112461799676962075
Words and phrases are drawn from any and all Star Trek shows and movies.
All are welcome to vote and guess at any time. Others may appreciate a CW when you guess.
The next poll will go for 24 hours.
Now, be honest. A Betazoid wedding with no clothes? Genius or the best idea ever? #LwaxanaTroi #AllStarTrek #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #DS9 #Mastodon @allstartrek
Poll 2 of the current round of #HangTrek!
T won the 1st round. There are 2 T's.
We are looking for 2 words with 8 and 8 letters, respectively.
_ _ _ _ _ _ T _ _ _ _ _ T _ _ _
You can have a look at the rules here: https://mastodon.social/@chrysomeles/112461799676962075
Words and phrases are drawn from any and all Star Trek shows and movies.
All are welcome to vote and guess at any time. Others may appreciate a CW when you guess.
The next poll will go for 24 hours.
Tailgunner cam going out of orbit. Nice.
#TheManTrap #StarTrekTOS
#AllStarTrek @allstartrek
A 1966 TV Guide ad for this new science fiction show called "Star Trek". I wonder if it'll be any good?
Good morning, Mastodonians! Let's play some #HangTrek!
We are looking for 2 words with 8 and 8 letters, respectively.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
You can have a look at the rules here: https://mastodon.social/@chrysomeles/112461799676962075
Words and phrases are drawn from any and all Star Trek shows and movies.
All are welcome to vote and guess at any time. Others may appreciate a CW when you guess.
The first poll will go for 24 hours.
Spock is going to have some Saurian brandy.
McCoy to Kirk...."Do you think the two of us can handle a drunk Vulcan?"
#AllStarTrek @allstartrek #StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #RequiemForMethuselah