Show HN: Nash, I made a standalone note with single HTML file
Show HN: Nash, I made a standalone note with single HTML file
This is a good reminder for me to add some more comments into my website's HTML
“Let’s build websites that are source-readable by humans and let’s help people learn how to build websites. I believe it will also help us build websites that are using the correct semantic HTML elements, are more accessible and are not just div soup.”
CSS Tip!
A simple CSS code to smoothly stop the rotation of your element on hover. The rotation will resume smoothly on mouse-out as well.
An infinite logos animation? Here is the real infinite logos animations!
This is wild. I began designing and building websites in 1995. From today, in 2025, I’ve been designing and writing code for most of the internet’s existence.
#Web #Internet #Design #Code #HTML #CSS #WebDesign
Building Websites with Lots of Little HTML Pages
heise+ | Webservices programmieren in Go: Frontends entwickeln
Ein Webservice wird mit einem guten Frontend schick und praktisch. Wir zeigen, wie Sie eines programmieren und mit CSS stylen, das Fehleingaben vorbeugt.
My thinking behind #css is to try to be close to classless as possible - meaning all styling is applied to root elements. Semantics then dictate layout.
Classes are then used very sparingly for specific cases, like indicating the currently displayed page on the main menu.
I started writing #html in 1996 - it has come a long way, and it is pretty awesome.
New CSS Loaders!
The "glowing" collection:
Single-element and 100% CSS magic!
Pick your favorite one
Step 1: Take a previously single-div drawing
Step 2: Copy the code into a custom toggle switch
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit
Source code on
this is it, folks! we are in the final week before submissions are due for GOOD INTERNET, a new print periodical magazine about all the things that make the #web fun: things like the #smallweb, the fediverse, the #indieweb, and efforts to actively fight #enshittification. submissions are open until MARCH 15.
check the submission guidelines or sign up for email alerts to be notified when we publish in may!
if this is your first time hearing about this, you still have enough time to come up with and write an article or complete a digital #art piece, if you're passionate about the #internet and want to write about it! :) bloggers, it's your time to shine!~
i can't wait to show y'all the incredible stories that have been submitted from all over the 'net, and some of the coolest art i've seen about the web!
thank you to everyone who's been so supportive of this project already. this is why this side of the internet is amazing. please boost, if you can; i want to make sure i did everything i could to include as many diverse voices as i can.
thank you!
original post:
#Development #Collections
Ribbon Shapes · An impressive collection of CSS-only ribbon styles.
#Ribbons #Banners #Badges #Indicators #Highlights #WebDev #Frontend #HTML #CSS #CustomProperties
It's CSS Naked Day on April 9th - consider this toot your one month warning to get your website ready in time to promote web (html!) standards and accessibility!
I still have lots of work to do on the accessibility front but I'm ready to get naked (sfw!) - in fact I made "no CSS" a theme option on my site to keep me fully aware of any html changes I make!
The second part is live!
This time, I am using scroll-driven animation to create the star rating component! It's a good exercise to discover some modern features. via @csstricks
Single element and 100% CSS magic!
Today I ran across @ricmac and his new, truly expansive piece on the history of (the admittedly centralized) GeoCities and its origins.
I had a GeoCities site myself in the 90s (that is sadly lost to time now), and I didn't know all this wild history Richard dug up for this.
A must-read if you're into the whole 90s early web thing:
Introducing command And commandfor In HTML
Do you want a ribbon shape for your next project? I have created more than 100 different designs!
One element per shape
Optimized with CSS variables
One-click to copy the code