... adding more color...
... adding more color...
Starting a new cat painting with soft pastels ...
Doodling around with some super cheap acrylics on equally cheap pressed wood. :D Honestly, the quality of both makes the word 10 times as hard as it should be, but in a way it makes me happy.
Feels good to feel like drawing and painting again~.
Current state
“I am learning every day to allow the space between where I am and where I want to be to inspire me and not terrify me. I can even ask for help! Not feeling that I have to know everything… that’s where the growth comes in, in the not knowing.” ~ Tracee Ellis Ross
Tattoo commission in progress
Some more WIPs because you KNOW I gotta draw me some SHARKS!!!
#wip #WorkInProgress ##art #MastoArt #CreativeToots #fediart #tattoo #tattoodesign #yyj #yyjtattoo #yyjart #vanisletattoo #ocean #sea #shark #thresher #greatwhite #hammerhead #whale #nature #fish
sneak peak at a design I'm working on!
️ Bookings available for custom and flash tattoos! Book via venue, forms, or email [hanandraws@gmail.com]
Having a really difficult day and I didn't get to finish it, but at least I got to clean the lines. Tomorrow is another day
Rainbow Brite work in progress
'Tis Doodle O'Clock ~☆
While working on porting the Small Technology Foundation web site¹ to Kitten², I took the opportunity to pull out base Model and Collection classes that I’ll likely end up including in Kitten proper:
• Model: https://codeberg.org/small-tech/site/src/branch/kitten/app_modules/database/Model.js
• Collection: https://codeberg.org/small-tech/site/src/branch/kitten/app_modules/database/Collection.js
To see them in use, here’s the base Posts class (with RSS generation) that extends Collection:
And here’s the concrete EventPosts collection class that extends Posts:
And the EventPost (showing an implementation of a calculated property):
So all this is possible (persisting and reading back typed model collections, etc.) thanks to JSDB¹ (JavaScript database), a zero-dependency, transparent, in-memory, streaming write-on-update JavaScript database I wrote for the Small Web that persists to a JavaScript transaction log and is included as as first-class citizen in Kitten.
And if you want to know how the magic mapping of classes happens, see the Database App Module:
PS. For a much gentler introduction to persistence in Kitten, see the Kitten Persistence tutorial:
Gotta let this dry before slapping more on
Good afternoon
I don't like to post WIPs to not jinx them, but all my recent pieces are in NDA jail and I'm getting restless.
I've been trying new workflows for brocades. I like the rough texture in this early test and want to try to bring some of it back in the polished final version. Why do tests always look better than the final version?!
Circle and triangle, like alpha and omega or the pyramid and the eye. Aleister Crowley talking in the background.
Used basic shapes for this tech study. Learned a lot about cables order of execution and timing.
#mograph #drone #electronicmusic #motiongraphic #sounddesign #synthesizer #blender #vse #cables #cables_gl #blendervse #WorkInProgress #bespoke #bespokesynth #modular #handbrake #DigitalArt #digital #ripplerx #aleistercrowley #justasample #zlequalizer
Not perfect, but tying it together anyways. Want to move on to next thing. Will upload the result to peertube, once it has finished encoding.
I love watching other artist's #process videos and I finally managed to do something similar for „Wolf Witch“, that I posted last week!
It's just a video (made in #Blender because I know how ) of the different versions I saved while working on it.
Do you enjoy watching videos like this? Anything you'd change?
Some behind the scenes, showing some of the more "cut to each object" separately. Currently I have to yet prepare and adjust several things untill it's printable, and of course lower the file size haha. Right now it's 1.5GB.
Gonna cut certain parts, fill other parts too to make sure it prints flawlesly and it's strong and tough once printed.
@3dprinting #3d #blender3d #printing #blender #blender3d #art #wip #art_wip #workinprogress #artistic #miniature #wargaming #tabletop