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Matija Šuklje

in planirata, da bi organizirali:

🇧🇪🚄 🚋| to |🚋🇸🇮

Osnovna ideja:
• rezervirat (del) vlak(a) iz Ljubljane do Bruselja in nazaj
• pobrat druge hekerje po poti (npr. Mittelab iz Trsta)
• na vlaku imet po možnosti vsaj lasten vagon
• v njem organizirat ne-konferenco in/ali hekaton
• čezmejno druženje :)

Stvar je še zgodaj v razvoju, ampak interes zbiramo tu:

Več nas gre, boljše šanse imamo pri pogajanju :)

🧵 (stvar bo!) Na-prostem

. @hook @muzej this is an amazing plan !! Let’s also include @infodesk #offdem people & @luka & others I know in Slovenia / Croatia / Czechia / Germany / even Poland ?! @NGIZero @th @webmind @how @natacha

@g1smo joined past OFFDEM from your end of the earth, I hope they might join again.

@hook If you are around Brussels you might also want to join this year's OFFDEM about software syndicates

@becha @muzej @infodesk @luka @NGIZero @th @webmind @how

oxygen.offdem.netO₅F₂FDEM Call for Presence (OPEN) - OFFDEM

@natacha, we just had a meeting on that topic where @g1smo and @len were also present 😸

I'll check the programme, it's been many years since I was at OFFDEM.

@becha @muzej @infodesk @luka @NGIZero @th @webmind

I want to go to OFFDEM (not at all FOSSDEM), but I'd also like to go with group of FLINTA* people, but also.. I play the night before on 31JAN. So most probably not.

@g1smo @len @becha