Remembering that time back on birdsite when I mentioned how the red flash in Doom to show that you're hurt affects the *entire* palette, including the HUD, and a mutual joked that maybe the HUD is diegetic, so I drew this on a post-it note at work
Remembering that time back on birdsite when I mentioned how the red flash in Doom to show that you're hurt affects the *entire* palette, including the HUD, and a mutual joked that maybe the HUD is diegetic, so I drew this on a post-it note at work
moar updooting of the ModOhExtraFun! with some agitating skeleton power at your fingertips
o_o If I ever go THIS crazy someone please stop me.
TypeScript types can run #DOOM
Fallout and DOOM get combined in the Fallout: Vault 666 mod
Another thingy! Showing off a fun lil feature
shotguns 2: the shotgunnering'd
imagine a cat/pig hybrid ...
Kann Spuren enthalten von / may contain traces of:
Blackened #Doom
#HarshNoise #Ambient #Grindcore
Im Teigmantel / wrapped into dough
Sieht's der Allmächtige nicht / the almighty god won't see it
Ist's gut genug für ihn / if it's good enough for him
Ist's gut genug für mich / it's good enough for me
My Band azugm is also on #Bandcamp
"Muskete" can be considered a Death #Doom song about hunting a mysterious creature in the mountains
"Spiel' diese unheilige Musik, schwarzer Junge"
#Ambient and #DungeonSynth song about African #BlackMetal
"Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Brandmauer einzureissen"
#Grindcore and #HarshNoise song about the cold firewall between German conservative parties and the #Nazi party #AfD
Please follow @azugm on Mastodon and Bandcamp!
#DeathMetal #DoomMetal #Metal #Noise #NoAFD #FckAFD #CDU #FckCDU #CSU #FckCSU #DePol #FckNZS #Brandmauer #Rechtsruck
Another showcase for Enigmatic Worlds! Starting with a showcase video of the Tazer weapon!
Steam link:
Hey #VGMWednesday
Are you into metal and a mountain of pain? Last call. Get into the belly of the beast with my favorite tune from TNT: Evilution a commerical Doom 2 WAD.
Everytime this song comes around the game is saying GET READY. HERE COMES EVERYTHING I GOT.
A CaptionCall Phone Succumbs To Doom, Again - Pour one out for yet another device conquered. This one’s a desk phone for confere... - #softwarehacks #doesitrundoom #embeddedlinux #captioncall #linuxhacks #serialport #deskphone #doom
It started with Black Sabbath
Even Black Sabbath started with "Black Sabbath" on "Black Sabbath"
more weppin ideas for da ModOhExtraFun! (Weapon animation by sgt-shivers!)
A TypeScript-types-only WebAssembly runtime
#WebAssembly runtime implemented purely in #TypeScript types. The basic idea is that you can turn C code (or just straight WebAssembly) into a TypeScript type (as in, with no JavaScript runtime code) that will compile the instructions and return a result.
It can run #Doom
Will be going live on #Twitch at 12:30 AM CST will be continuing my playthrough of Brutal Wolfenstein for Doom2 and yes it is exactly what you think it is. I'm a #SmallStreamer so please boost this post and raids are greatly appreciated.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as Doom, is in fact, GZDoom/Freedoom, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Freedoom plus GZdoom. Doom is not a game that can run on modern operating systems unto itself, but rather another component of a fully functioning GZDoom system made useful by the ZDL Launcher, Zscript and ACL scripting languages, DeePsea editor, and other vital components comprising a fully functioning First-Person Shooter game.
Many gamers play a modified version of the GZDoom system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GZdoom which is widely used today is often called Doom, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GZDoom system, developed by the GZDoom Project.
There really is a Doom, and these people are playing it, but it is just a part of the game they play. Doom is the WAD: the data file containing levels and graphics for the game engine to access. The WAD is an essential part of a FPS game, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete FPS game. Doom is normally used in combination with the GZDoom engine: the whole system is basically GZDoom with Doom or Freedoom added, or GZDoom/Freedoom. All the so-called Doom distributions are really distributions of GZdoom!
#Doom #Freedoom #GZdoom #Zdoom #Copypasta